3 Reasons to Switch to an Electric Vehicle
If you’re in the market for a new car, you may be looking at petrol vehicles without even considering the electric alternatives. There’s no doubt that petrol vehicles far outweigh electric cars on the road, despite electric ones having been around for some years now.
However, there’s never been a better time to switch to an electric vehicle – here are 3 reasons why you should make the switch:
Charging at Home
Have you ever been sitting at home on a Sunday night, thinking “Oh no, I forgot to fill the car up this weekend!”? This isn’t an issue with an electric vehicle as you can have your own charging station installed at home!
You might be pleasantly surprised with the electric car charging station installation cost, and thanks to Government schemes, you may even be eligible for up to £350 towards the installation of your smart charger.
Reducing Air Pollution
The most obvious benefit of electric cars is the fact that, with no exhaust fumes, they aren’t contributing to air pollution. Electric cars produce no carbon dioxide emissions when driving, which reduces air pollution considerably. Some cities, such as London, now also charge a tariff for driving a car with higher-than-average pollution levels around their streets, so having an electric car can save you needing to pay this.
Cheaper to Run
Once you’ve made the switch to driving an electric vehicle, you will find that the running costs are significantly lower than if you were to drive a petrol or diesel car. Most electric vehicle drivers will put their car on charge overnight, in preparation for the next day, and this usually means your electricity unit cost will be lower than it is during the day.
This is another good reason to have a charger installed at your property.
If you are looking to get an electric car charger installed at a property in Norfolk, call us on 07485 715 087 or email james@norfolkcarcharging.co.uk.